Transport Economics

Contributes to successful decisions, both with transport firms and in policymaking

Transport Economics

Transport Economics encourages rational analysis and contributes to successful decisions, both within transport firms and in policymaking.

combines different perspectives

possibility to skip mathematical techniques still retaining a coherent text

Table of contents

Transport Economics, a textbook for students and professionals 


Transport economics has become a well-developed discipline with branches in many areas of economic science. Consequently, it is not easy for a reader to acquire a general overview.


Many good books on transport economics are restricted to one particular perspective. The purpose of the present textbook goes beyond that:

  • it combines four different perspectives in a single volume to provide a general overview;
  • the reader can restrict himself to whatever part he finds to be of particular interest;
  • it allows the reader to choose whether or not to examine the mathematical techniques presented. Those who wish can skip the formulas and mathematical passages and still retain an interesting and coherent text.

Transport Economics, more than ever, encourages rational analysis and contributes to successful decisions, both within transport firms and in policymaking.

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De auteurs

Gust Blauwens

Peter De Baere

Eddy Van de Voorde

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